Wednesday, 5 August 2009

my quilt space

When I am quilting I always need a lot of space ,
never it is good organised,
it is always immediately a mess
I wonder how other quilters,
can have everything clean and tidy .
when I clear out my room I cannot find things.
but it is time to do it.


  1. That space looks familiar...I am hesitant to put photos of my space on my blog but now maybe

  2. I am currently in a mess, too. I have a large cutting space and a large pressing space and both are so cluttered that I have to clear a small space to to work. So, I too, will be clearing out and decluttering. LOL

  3. wat een heerlijke plek is dit!!!!
    en wat een prachtige rollrn staan erop het kastje!!!!!
    je mandjes worden mooi...schiet je al op???
    fijne dag

  4. Thanks for sharing your space - looks fine to me!!

  5. My sewing area is never tidy! I try to sort through everything so it is in some order once I finish a project but even then I wouldnt call it tidy!! :)
